ourVote Demo
ourVote Demo

ourVote Demo

Design questionnaires or surveys with questions and options, and then distribute them to samples. Lastly generate statistical reports based on responses or further analyze results for specific purposes

  1. Housekeep workspace before activating apps demo +
  2. Activate ourVote demo -
  3. Register as a Member in ourVote demo +
  4. Manage Data Captured by ourVote demo +
  5. Tune style for app (using ourBook as an exmaple) demo +


  • ourVote is only a foundation app to demonstrate the power of ourDB as a system which can connnect to other data visualization library like Google Charts
  • It can be further customized to enhanced user experience or to integrate with other ourDB extended apps e.g. transferring member details to ourEvent when users register as the app members
  • if a customized survey/questionnaire/gamification solution is required

Published/Reviewed: 2024/09/08