ourBook Demo
ourBook Demo

ourBook Demo

Book-keep our daily spendings and financial activities, and then at the end of each period, we can see our financial position by generating the balance sheet and the income statement

  1. Housekeep workspace before activating apps demo +
  2. Activate ourBook demo -
  3. Manage groups for ourBook demo +
  4. Clean up ourBook sample data demo +
  5. Set up master records for ourBook demo +
  6. Tune style for ourBook demo +


  • ourBook is only a foundation app to demonstrate the power of ourDB as a transaction processing system
  • It can be further customized to integrate with other ourDB extended apps e.g. posting invoices issued in ourInvoice as accounting transactions in ourBook
  • if a customized financial accounting solution is required

Published/Reviewed: 2024/09/12